Streams Edit Table

The Streams Editor consists of an edit table with three fields. The fields of the Streams edit table are explained below.


Stream # The stream number (1 to 100). This number identifies each stream.

Seed # The seed value (1 to 100). Streams having the same seed value generate the same sequence of random numbers. For more information on seed values, see Using Random Number Streams.

Reset... Set this field to YES if you want the stream to be reset to the initial seed value for each model replication. Set this field to NO if you want the stream to continue where it left off for subsequent replications.

The Streams Editor pictured above shows five defined streams. Each stream has a unique seed value. Streams 1, 2 and 5 will be reset for each replication, while streams 3 and 4 will continue where they left off for subsequent replications.